Be cheeky!
Smart singles are always ready to grab the unexpected opportunity. It used to be only men who seized chances for a chat-up line or played metaphorical footsy. Now, women are in a strong enough position to do so with stylish aplomb. So, imagination to the fore! Be ready to seize the moment. Here are some opportunities to look out for.
At the supermarket – yes, really!
The supermarket is definitely an OK place for a single soul to loiter safely and take time to select whom they wants to bump into. Our up-front chap might be heard to utter ‘Have you the remotest idea how to cook this?’ as he picks up some alien vegetable within earshot of a suitable woman.
Otherwise, of course, you can simply fling all your shopping into her trolley when she’s caught up in choosing a ripe melon, discovering a minute later what a fool you’ve been to have thought her trolley was yours. In the ensuing mayhem you can decide whether it’s worth taking things further. If you’re a bit crazy, then this one is well worth trying. It works – I know; I’ve done it – ‘accidentally’, of course.
Art galleries – for old masters and new mistresses
A safe place for women to hang about in, and much more selective than the supermarket, is the art gallery. Don’t buy a catalogue just ask to take a peep at the one that belongs to the particular person on whom you have focused your curiosity while they are absorbed in studying some challenging creation.
For instance, the Victoria and Albert Museum in London claims many romantic successes at its lecture evenings targeted at singles. Check out what’s available near you.
Get yourself invited to private views, especially at smaller, more interesting galleries where the wine on offer facilitates mixing and mingling. Don’t pretend you know more than you do: you’ll come across as pompous and ignorant and regret it deeply. Try and ask intelligent questions – a great flirt tactic.
If music be the food of love – try concerts
Like art galleries, concerts are selective, and at least you know that you’ll enjoy the same kind of music as the people attending. At classical concerts, the ‘Please could I have a quick look at your programme’ technique works well.
During the performance itself, see if you can spot an empty seat next to an unaccompanied member of the opposite sex and discreetly slip into it during the interval, asking if it’s taken and remarking on how much better you’ll enjoy the sound from your improved vantage point. Your mutual appreciation (or otherwise) of the music should do the rest!
Scoring in the street
Approach the person you fancy. You’re lost. (Make it strategically plausible!) They are outside the train station or at a bus stop or buying a newspaper. You need directions to somewhere in (what just happens to be) the same area that he might be heading – not far away. They may even be tempted to accompany you there.
Men with sweat appeal: try aviation sports – or start to run!
Do your research thoroughly here, as some activities attract more men than others. Paragliding and aviation sports are male dominated – but costly, and require some degree of bravery. My first paragliding attempt landed me in a tree, and I wasn’t even looking for a man. Sub-aqua is brilliant for encountering men, as many of the women I know can testify.
Wine Tasting
Wine tasting is a real winner. You don’t have to be a seasoned wine connoisseur. Many more women are excelling themselves as experts in this field, but it’s still very much a man’s province. Women ‘in the know’ keep secret the fact that one can meet very interesting and classy single men on wine-tasting courses. You won’t need any tips about how to get chatting – the wine will look after that, unless you’re super-correct and spit it all out (what a waste!).
Shop around carefully. Christie’s and Sotheby’s, the upmarket auctioneers in London, run excellent but pricey courses. Look out, also, for courses run by the Wine Education Service – great value. The more budget-minded might investigate their local adult-education centre.
Whether your taste is ceroc, salsa or even tango, dancing is a great way to meet unattached singles. If you’ve got two left feet (like me) and need a bit of guidance, check out classes in local clubs, gyms and adult-education centres. Dancing is also a wonderful way of working off tension, dispelling depression and keeping fit. You’ll need no tips on getting into conversation and you’ll be a wow at parties.
If you are ready to meet someone special, contact the friendly award winning matchmakers at Drawing Down the Moon Matchmaking.