Dating Tips and Advice from our Award Winning Matchmakers

Matchmaker Mary’s Domino Dating for Love

Dominos dating strategy

How Domino Dating Can Help You Find Love

Domino Dating gives you the chance to practice

The Domino Dating Strategy suggests that if you are prepared to date more people – anyone who’s at least ‘roughly right’ – you will get more practice which will set up a ripple effect and create more confidence and skill in handling dating situations.

To increase your success rate, you must expect to increase your failure rate, too. You need to meet more frogs/frog-esses if you are to meet more princes/princesses! If you’re only meeting one available single every two or three years, then too bad if they don’t turn out to be right for you – they’re all that’s on offer. Go for volume, on the other hand, and you give yourself plenty of choice.

Also, if you’re doing Domino Dating, the extra practice will help to make you more relaxed about going on first dates.  If you’re not relaxed you can’t flirt, and you won’t be giving out the right signals to intrigue your date.  Thus they won’t want to flirt with you and thus you wont find them attractive.

A heart shape made out of red dominoes standing on their end, placed on a yellow background

Flirting and the Domino Dating Effect

The Domino Dating Effect is central to learning new flirt skills. By aiming to date as many eligible people as possible, you create a ripple of even more dates – really useful flirt practice and you meet other interesting singles in the process.

Furthermore, one of these interesting singles may turn out to be that someone special! You can even practise on the non-runners – BUT keep the boundaries absolutely clear between friendly and sexy flirting so that you don’t mislead them.

Remember, just consider whether they’d be fun to meet and talk with again. Could they be a friend? From this viewpoint, you can get to know several dates as friends and see how things develop. The chances are that one of these could turn into something special, or could lead to another introduction that is the one for you.

Play the field, go for volume and meet as many dates as possible. When you meet the right one, you’ll be in good practice for giving out positive messages and be more likely to judge the situation accurately. If previously you’ve been on only a few dates, you’ll be much less able to judge the potential.

Providing, on every date, you make it clear that you’re seeing other people, it’s fine to explore multiple friendships. The more time you take to get to know one another before the chemistry ignites (and not just the sexual tinder), the more powerful and enduring all that follows will be.

If in any doubt, leave the possibility of a further meeting on the back burner. You can simply use the old standby: ‘Maybe one of us can give the other a ring in a week or two’. It does, in fact, take the pressure off people to know that you’re not expecting anything too dramatic at this early stage.

They are perpetually concerned that they’ll be thought to be ‘leading you on’ and then getting lumbered with all sorts of expectations that they can’t live up to. Rather than risk this, they’ll play it too cool and not ring at all – so leave the door open.

But when you feel you’ve found some special chemistry, that’s the time to cease Domino Dating and concentrate on developing the new relationship. Domino Dating must not be confused with Serial Dating where you flit like a butterfly through an endless series of dates without exploring any of them.

The Domino Dating effect is, I believe, one of the key opportunities for dating success. To remind you once again, with Domino Dating the more dates you have with men or women who are roughly right, but may not be Mr or Ms Perfect, the more confident and positive you’ll feel.

Also, your network of contacts will grow and you might even end up with your date’s brother or sister or a new job!

The most important result will be to overcome (or greatly minimize) the biggest obstacle – fear of failure. If you fail with one particular date, you know that there will still be plenty more in the pipeline! Just keep saying ‘Next!’ if they don’t happen to work out.  Make Domino Dynamics work for you!

Good luck!  Mary Balfour

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