Dating and Texting
‘Sorry I’m running about 10 minutes behind, see you shortly!’ This is no doubt a text we’ve all become familiar with – by both sending and receiving them. Whether it’s a friend letting you know they’re running late following get-together drinks, you texting your Mum that you’re running late for her Sunday lunch or indeed, it’s your date letting you know they won’t be there on time.
Being late is one thing and it’s ok, we’re only human. But what about the last minute cancellation of a date via text? The ‘I’m sorry, really busy at the office so I can’t make it tonight after all..’ This is about 2 hours before you were due to meet and you’ve already got super excited about the possibility of a flirtatious couple of hours with someone… This is disappointing!
Now I must admit that I’m guilty on both charges – the ‘I’m running late’ text message and ‘cancel-a-date-at-the-last-minute’ text, however I certainly try not to make a habit of it as I know it doesn’t leave a good taste in your mouth, so to speak! But this is feedback that I have had from a few of our DDM members and also many friends unfortunately.
Surely before the time of mobiles people were more punctual, they made more of an effort to actually make that date/meeting and on time? Has dating become more elusive and unreliable in the time of technological advances?
Miia Koponen – DDM Matchmaker
If you are ready to meet someone special, contact the friendly award winning matchmakers at Drawing Down the Moon Matchmaking.