Drawing Down the Moon has been shortlisted for Best Matchmaking Agency of the Year and I’ve been shortlisted for Dating Expert of the Year.
The actual Award Ceremony will be on Thursday 26th November and we’re all very exited. Matchmaking, internet dating, apps, singles’ events, date coaching, advice and expertise are all on the menu.
But, you may ask, why doesn’t finding your soul mate just happen naturally any more?
Well, if you’re a single professional you’ll know exactly how dating and relationships have been affected by social change. If you’re a high flier, in the public eye or just working 24/7 you’ve almost got no time or opportunities to find a mate. And you’ll be very demanding! OK, social media, the internet and smart phones may offer instant communication, but paradoxically, there are probably more of you singles out there than ever struggling to find love.
However, help is at hand. Those of us in the love industry are standing by, not only to create bespoke dating opportunities but also to give you that very necessary little nudge to ensure that love can truly blossom.
Good luck to all the finalists!
Mary Balfour
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If you are ready to meet someone special, contact the friendly award winning matchmakers at Drawing Down the Moon Matchmaking.