Dating Knowledge and Wisdom From the UK's Original Introductions Agency
Matchmaker Dating Tips
Picking Up at a Party: Guide for Men and Women
It's the festive season! Here are practical and workable guides for men and women for attracting the opposite sex successfully...
Are you Relationship Ready?
Are you sure you really want a relationship? Perhaps you’re actually quite content with being single but have difficulty admitting it.
Mary’s Domino Dating Strategy – make it work for you.
The Domino Dating Effect is central to learning new flirt skills. By aiming to date as many eligible people as possible, you create a ripple of even more dates
Should Your Romantic Partner Complete You?
As society has changed the reasons for having a partner through life, and the methods of finding one have changed too, and for the better.
Finding Love – Casually?
Smart singles are always ready to grab the unexpected opportunity. It used to be only men who seized chances for a chat-up line or played metaphorical footsy.
Search, Don’t Wait, For Love
You are an independent person but, like all human beings, you have a need for intimacy, and an intimate relationship can make you to feel really fulfilled.
Matchmaker Mary Balfour on Finding Love
My man number one was a 6’ 6” (!) alpha male. He positively towered above me. However, by way of practical, manly skills he was utterly hopeless.